Westmont Magazine Westmont Women’s Leadership Luncheon

Megan Alexander recognizes former president Stan Gaede and his wife, Judy, for their influential role in her life.
Photo Credit: Sarah Frigon '15
Westmont’s Women’s Leadership Council held its fourth annual luncheon at the Four Seasons Biltmore Santa Barbara to encourage and inspire young women and recruit business owners, entrepreneurs and community leaders as mentors for Westmont students. Megan Alexander ’02, a correspondent with Inside Edition, spoke and addressed four key principles she has learned from working in the media: Know who you are before the crisis moments hit so you hold true to your faith and values; do excellent work and earn a seat at the table; find and create community; and make room for the Holy Spirit — invite the spirit into your life daily. When Christian women (and men) speak out in society, especially in technology and the media, we’ll make a greater impact. Special thanks to Kirsten Moore, director of the Women’s Leadership Initiative at Westmont, and co-chairs Anna Grotenhuis, Penny Jenkins, and Andria Kahmann.