Sandra Richter, Ph.D.

Porter Center Room 7
Spring 2024 Office Hours
Tuesdays: 3:30-5:00pm;
Wednesdays: 1:00-2:30pm;
Thursdays: 3:30-5pm;
Also available for lunch on Wednesdays.
Please schedule appointment on Google Calendar
Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomistic History, Hebrew language, the intersection of Hebrew Bible and Syro-Palestinian archaeology, and environmental theology.
- Deuteronomy
- Isaiah
- Archaeology and the Bible
- Environmental Theology
- The economies of the ancient Levant
- Military methods in the Ancient Near East
- Family systems in the tribal communities of the ancient world.
Internationally known for her work on Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomistic History, Dr. Richter brings the Old Testament to life by exploring the real people and real places from which it comes.
Richter is a graduate of Valley Forge University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and earned her doctorate from the Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Department of Harvard University in Hebrew Bible. A veteran of many years of leading student groups in archaeological excavation and historical geography classes in Israel, she has taught at Asbury Theological Seminary., Wesley Biblical Seminary and Wheaton College. She is recognized among the laity for her The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament and is currently working on a second in that series The Fifth Gospel: A Christian Entry into the Book of Isaiah (IVP Academic). Her current research involves a forthcoming commentary on Deuteronomy with Eerdmans. She is also the author of several adult Bible Curriculums with Seedbed and Harper Collins. Richter is a sought-after speaker in both academic and lay settings.
Read a review of Richter's most recent book, Stewards of Eden
Equipped with Chris Brookson Moody Radio. Here is the link to listen to the broadcast:
Work for Him broadcast, aired Dec. 6, 2018
Speaking Engagements
2024, June 24-28 NIV translation meetings, Glasgow Scotland
2024, July 14-19 Redwood Christian Park, Boulder Creek, CA: “Should a Christian be an Environmentalist?.”
2024, August 3-7 Lake Junaluska Conference & Retreat Center, Lake Junaluska NC: “Theologian in Residence Program.” Sermon, August 3rd 9:00 am. “Deborah & Other Unlikely Leaders,” August 4-7 10:00-11:30 am,
2024, September 18 New Room Conference, Houston TX: “The Epic of Eden: Deborah,”
2024, October 25-27 T.W. Lewis Lectures on Jesus & a Just Society, Millsaps College and Galloway United Methodist Church Jackson MS: “Environmentalism & the Evangelical”
2025, January 25-26 First Presbyterian Church, Santa Rosa, CA.
2025, April 8-10 The annual Biblical Studies Lecture Series at Beeson Divinity School of Samford University, Birmingham AL: Chapel sermon 4/8, lectures on 4/9 & 10, podcast
2025, April 11-12 Stone Campbell Journal Conference at Johnson University, Knoxville, TN: “Tending God’s Garden: The Environmental Mandate” and “Environmentalism as a Local Responsibility”
2025, May 8-10 Murdock Trust Women in Leadership Gathering, Vancouver, WA. Plenary Speaker.