Pie Martinez

Pie grew up in Santa Barbara and is a Westmont alumna ('14). The last ten years have taken her to Mexico, the Middle East, East Coast, and now back home to California. Pie moved to the Bay in 2018 after completing her Masters of Education, and has found San Francisco to be a unique location where “normal” is a refreshingly foreign concept. She loves being surrounded every day by such a wide array of ways that life can be lived beautifully and well.
As Assistant Director, Pie’s role includes teaching courses, student life, and engaging with program partners and prospective students. She was drawn to work with the Westmont in San Francisco program because of its alignment with her own ongoing journey of reconceptualizing practices of faith, as well as expectations of her twenties (and now thirties), and growing more open to the different forms of learning, relationships, and community that have shown up in unexpected places. Pie loves the vitality of the city, the cross-sections of life woven through the neighborhoods, and that there will also always be more to discover. She is thrilled to be working with students who make their way to San Francisco, and to journey with them as they revise and further develop their understandings for how to live as a person of faith and care in what often proves a challenging and complex world.
When not in Pac Heights with students, Pie loves spending time with family given and chosen, and engaging amateurism as a form of spiritual practice--continually venturing into the next new hobby, so far ranging from climbing and West African dance to befriending tow truck drivers and writing website biographies in third person.