Maryke (Maria) van der Walt, Ph.D.

Winter Hall 305
Mon. 1:30 - 2:00 or by appointment (please send me an email!)
Applied Mathematics
Data science, computational harmonic analysis, approximation theory and spline theory
Professor Van der Walt was born in South Africa. She earned her Master of Science and Bachelor of Science degrees at Stellenbosch University and her Doctorate in Applied Mathematics at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She was an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University before coming to Westmont in 2017. In her research, she focuses on applying techniques in computational harmonic analysis, approximation theory and spline theory in medical applications. Apart from thinking and talking about mathematics, she loves to cook and bake (especially new recipes), play the violin and viola, and go for walks and visit coffee shops with her husband and best friend, Tjaart, and daughter, Lisa.