Westmont Magazine About the Cover

COVID-19 disrupted preparations for Westmont’s senior art exhibit, and much of the art remained in the studio as the artists, soon to graduate, returned home. Passersby could see this piece by Alyssa Beccue ’20 through the studio’s large windows. It seemed to capture what a work in progress looks like when interrupted before being exhibited. Her finished senior project (left) shows three stages of embodiment, beginning with a broken earthly form, then a transitional stage of healing and finally a healed, resurrected body. The middle piece, “Restores My Soul,” appears on the cover. “Jesus promises that when he comes again, it is not just to redeem immaterial souls,” Alyssa says. “Our physical, tangible bodies will be resurrected and healed: a restored body that will last forever. Rather than a burden to suffer through in this life, my body is a God-given gift that will be perfected according to God’s original, faultless design.” What an ideal reflection by a graduating senior for the cover of this issue.
Beccue's art can be seen on her website, alyssabeccue.com